Friday, June 29, 2012

heAlso aware of the need to recover

129838042620312500_229Incentive Gomez scored a strong highlight God Clauzet alternate blade is not old Yeah sporting June 10 report: Germany coach Joachim national rejuvenation plan to continue, the European Cup first round group match, Joachim Clauzet and per Mertesacker two veterans from the collection. However compared with per Mertesacker, Clauzet situation a lot better diablo iii power level, he still won the alternate playing opportunities, helping Germany 1-0 beat Portugal, also won theirA perfect birthday gift. Race day was his 34 birthday, Klose Miroslav present alternate to Gomez has created a pressure, incentives Mario score, his smash in the game show him A good sword remains always sharp [never gets dull]., continued to fight. Klose Miroslav team in place of the original without any suspense, but late season injuries caused him to rest in the last 1 month, heAlso aware of the need to recover, "I lack the last point, I believe I can best at the game. "Klose Miroslav said. And Bayern Munich playing a season in 41 balls Gomez also take the opportunity to host. With Israel after scoring in the competition, Gomez and stability of main, this is also a matter got his first. But starts of Gomez performance superior, GermanyTeam attack organizations was inadequate, as a pure scorer Gomez does not have the opportunity. When the game enters the 70 minute, Klose Miroslav has been present side warm up is complete, wait for debut at any time. But what's interesting is, perhaps Clauzet presence of Gomez feel nervous. Joachim ready-for-Clauzet on when Gomez had to seize the opportunity, his domineering header gongmenMin. This goal, delaying the end of Gomez, also in this field allowed Gomes to produce qualified respondents. 79 minutes, Joachim Clauzet replaced Gomez played as originally planned. Clauzet on one occasion after the appearance of the other side closed area left smash Portugal clip control of both players, one blade of the feeling he is not old. This is the 117th Clauzet national team game, Unparalleled in the current team, ranked second in the total national team rankings, only less than Mr Housse 150 Ma. Race day Klose Miroslav also has a special meaning, it is his 34 birthday. This God is always able to Germany bring good luck, 2006, 2008 his birthday before and after Germany had won, this is no exception, this God of stationPresence can stand on stage to the Germany team good luck. Clauzet performance is not bad after the play, once forced a breakthrough right away, showing A good sword remains always sharp [never gets dull].. Eventually he and the team have succeeded in preventing Portugal's final counterattack, got the win, his 34 years on the birthday gift. Last year's birthday that day, Klose Miroslav officially joined serie a LazioTeams in 33 years old when you begin a new journey. Clauzet a year was not easy in the past, while serie a with 25 three-ball beautiful conquered all, but he also suffered a major injury click here, that even he lost his first team. But strong Clauzet has its own ideals and goals in mind, continue as the national team, to play the 2014 FIFA World Cup��

I want to battle a few times

129838917378437500_232012 full competition in the world today the Chibi Kasai Click here to enter the repository of the Chibi video (6) | Screenshot (100) | Original picture (53) | Wallpaper (55) | Client download vendor feeds, comments below do not represent NetEase flames Citylink, swords drawnCrossbow monkey; fixed the reins, multifaceted one perish debt of gratitude and of revenge. Flames of war has not had pieces, serving tight for hegemony Gong Ming global elite get together, rxw ready. Chop will kill a dream final round link, I want to battle a few times; today war for hegemony, twilight and the day to sleep. The Chibi 2012 global efforts towards the raging flames of the tournament on June 11 to light, this tournament6V6 sports mode, first server qualification is a three-week trial. Please be prepared, together with teammates fight to the bitter end, Kings clothing! Of the Red Cliff "2012 global efforts towards the tournament" thematic pages 6V6 model knockout 2012 global efforts towards the Chibi tournament arena system with 6V6, overall gameForms for 6V6 war mode, automatic assignment of enrollment and staff to determine the server through system qualification trials stage schedule. At the same time, server qualification qualifying stages by three two-win team and accumulated three weeks ranked competitive comprehensive integral to filter the selected final of the world team, fundamentally eliminate the level of disparities, unequal distribution of the contingent problems, to international standardTo standardize, to build a fair, perfect competition. Taking fame for hegemony of the Chibi 2012 global efforts towards the tournament will establish new incentives, user access to the system of competitive reward sent automatically every week at the same time, also unique in all phases of the game award. Server game phase, all players can competitors for participation award ServerTopasia runners-up of the tournament will receive gift bags in China and Han-baht reward; taking finals, through and out of the team will get star China; finals champion the savage five hands to have a dedicated office and the large amount of Acer truncatum, names security, Server Memorial Statue, God armor massive rewards such as sth In addition, the eventual winner of the old district and the team captains will also travel to Shanghai to attendCJ and to participate in the final tournament of the annual! Premium rewards, such a lavish feast, let every one loves PK loves the Chibi players were unable to resist! Boredom BOSS the battlefield in this tournament to make the player in battle boredom, especially established in name of a hill in the North imperial tombs and of Ganlu Temple battle the BOSS, for players to practice sports. Call actionMeans the player can move freely, jump, Dodge and other skills to evade attack of the BOSS, increased fighting fun while also cultivating a player's skill, fighting is no longer stiff. BOSS in the battlefield almost all have adopted this policy. Horns blew again, a new round of fighting has been popular on stage! Believe that every player of the entering of the Chibi cityBattle of passion life lit a fire in my heart! Unique God soldier is now aggressive out of the scabbard click here, top-strong party its control; most wind weapon, the most powerful property, burning your fighting spirit, and a clash of contend for, claiming the Crown of glory in the world!

[scroll] CIC Chairman says euroRisks of disintegration more optimistic about China's economy

129835668783593750_450Lenovo launch the third wave strategy: three years into the global server three On June 5, the Lenovo Group announced at its ThinkerServerRD630 Server launch, the company plans to 2015 three server vendors around the world, proposed by then sold more than 1 million servers, own the server market share of 10%., 2012, Lenovo expects its server sales of 200,000 units, 3 per cent of global% Share of the server market. United States enterprise market demand for Lenovo Group, China, Senior Vice President, Xudong Chen told reporters in an exclusive interview with introduction link, Lenovo's first strategy was to get the leadership position in the field of PC; the second strategy is to be in the area of PC, in the Chinese market after the success of the first, gradually to expand overseas, and third wave strategy areIn the enterprise market breakthrough. And Association in the strategic planning of different PC and PC market, Lenovo's first breakthrough enterprise market areas in the Western Europe and North America. "We did a lot of years server, there is no big reason is that we only do in China". Xudong Chen, the world's largest enterprise market not in China, but in Western Europe and North America. He saidChina market only accounts for 10% of the global server market, Lenovo wants to made a breakthrough in this area must be in the largest market. Xudong Chen revealed that United States enterprise market accounted for almost half of global enterprise market share, including companies such as Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon released a year of huge demand. "Too many cloud computing cloud real estate"When a reporter asked about the Lenovo will push into cloud-based application service provider, Vice President of Lenovo Group said Tong Fuyao are still dominated by hardware, "we think that cloud computing is not standard. At the same time, we think that cloud computing, SaaS and PaaS in immature, because software as a service in a Chinese environment, and profit model of what? Do not know. "ChildrenFuyao believes that at present in the enterprise cloud platform providers to the Internet more, "legend is the first concern of IaaS, which focus on enterprise service, in addition to providing a central device, we honestly do IT infrastructure, rather than virtual. Because too much of the cloud turned real estate, we are well aware. "[Scroll] under FitchTransfer Spain's credit rating to BBB (06-08) [scroll] according to the State Council for sustainable development should build 3 security line (06-08) [scroll] shuanghui development shuanghui chilled meat sample product examination qualified (06-08) [scroll] CIC Chairman says euroRisks of disintegration more optimistic about China's economy (06-08) [scroll] Australia's unemployment rate rose slightly to 5.1% increase in full-time jobs employment opportunities (06-08) [scroll] analysis of China's central bank interest rate cuts boost stock markets in Europe and America that short-term positive a-share (06-08) [scroll]Beijing June top housing rent increase rent to students (06-08) [scroll] Fitch: If there are no credible fiscal plan United States or downgrade (06-08) [scroll] finance: fighting for asset evaluation method as soon as possible (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai cooperationDeclaration of the States members of the Organization (06-08) [scroll] European stocks also rose Greece stock indexes rose 3.09% (06-08) [scroll] Spain can hold? Seen before the end of June (06-07) [scroll] reduce deficits cannot sacrifice economic growth (06-07) [scroll] three-year debt maturing local debt to borrow new or old (06-07) [scroll] bond deal with financial woes in Hubei Province (06-07) [scroll] "Delta" weathervane "salt mountains" substantive cooperation (06-07) [scroll]Battle for Zhejiang foreign trade: export growth for the year 10% (06-07) [scroll] economy slowed sharply reduced electricity consumption gap (06-07) [scroll] end of June deadline to railway "Yuan" surrender of staggering Sprint (06-07) [scroll] of Shanxi coal bossesNew world (06-07) [scroll] single 1.3 trillion of funds into Fujian power of "haixi" construction of major projects (06-07) [scroll] Lu Tai a plan to buy back up to 100 million b-shares out the resumption of (06-07) [scroll] global food price index sharply in MayDecline (06-07) [scroll] expected joint global Central Bank easing (06-07) [scroll] warming of Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation (06-07) [scroll] Ocean quiet here (06-07) [scroll] coal stocks rising energy reform orWindow opens (06-07) [scroll] Mayor's open letter to demand "solutions waste under siege" (06-07) [scroll] Ministry of land and resources: idle in a fine year confiscated two years (06-07) [scroll] shuanghui announced the "rib" test result said sampling of qualified (06-07) [rolling]TCL Group May LED LCD TV sales jumped 2.32 times times (06-07) [scroll] Russia international reserves May significantly reduce (06-07) [scroll] members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization heads of State Council meeting press release (06-07) [scroll] 3.5 years later why the Central Bank cut rates for the first time out? (06-07) [Scroll] Lan Zhang denied South beauty funding (06-07) [scroll] period is the period for (06-07) [scroll] UBS offshore peopleCurrency products grafted overseas talent Fund (06-07) [scroll] art trust Alchemy 17 items yields an average of 10.41% (06-07) [scroll] household electric appliance industry "of subsidies dependent on" (06-07) [scroll] non-normal "transboundary"(06-07) [Points] deposit interest rate spread to benchmark 1.1 times times | Loans to construction of 0.8 times times | Previous rate cuts | Topics [Analysis] interest rate marketization degree to further advance | Interest rate cuts for steady growth | First drop of 3.5 years | Micro-heat Liangyu: China adjusts tariffs to stimulate imports| Kevin Rudd: Greece or will continue to remain in the euro zone of Huizhou in Guangdong Province seized 11 tonnes of salt [financial] baotou developer 700 million debt died allegedly as a result of bad real estate sales [finance] before building up 5,000 approximation control of Beijing China railway electrification Bureau boss Lok Ma [financial] jiangshan, Zhejiang credit crisis the Government civil service in deep[Financial] Shanghai steel trade and money tight Bank supports the livelihood of commercial broker [stock] CCB reveals an individual made great contribution to China's capital market [stock] shares the second half blood or the billions of Chinese nuclear power intends to finance 16 billion [commercial] Li Shanyou: foreign executives afraid to venture capital, Yahoo: self-help continued confusion in the [business] inventory of ChinaTop ten class Apple mode can save Sony entrepreneurship [financial] experts said the extended 5 year age pensioners can increase income over 70% users against [financial] foreign financial earnings skyrocketed up to 10% for revealing the secrets of buying a BMW to take venture capital gold United States Federal Reserve members [China] interview with Dong Fan

[scroll] Wanda tourismReal estate "examination"

129836519665781250_414Transformation of Han court Chairman said the group will be renamed to multi-branding strategy Sitting opposite the business news reporter, Chairman and CEO of the Han court Ji Qi revealed their latest decision--Han Ting Hotel Group will be renamed in the future "the Han court" is the only standard economy hotel brand name, rather than the group name, group names new collection has been exposed on the network. Renaming is obviously not the whims of behind it, is the transformation of Chinese court brand wineStore group policy. The Han court was not the first and it won't be the last one was renamed Enterprise, simply change a few characters, for a company to more business consolidation and profit-driven. Multi-branding and positioning "me into the budget hotel sector, the birth of a Galaxy has played a very big role, this book is a history of the Accor Hotel Group, especially the founderDu Lu and beilisong, impressive for me. "Ji Qi interview revealed that Accor under a premium brand" Sofitel ", the four star" nuo Fu "and the economy is" Yi SI ", name and brand name of the group is completely different, the Han court also may do so. At present, Han Ting Hotel Group under a-side "all-season", standard, economy "hanting the shortcut" and a hundred Yuan hotel"Ocean Inn". In addition, the Han court just contain a star way hotel, featured future orientation of non-standard midrange hotel. Brand name to several levels: the first is the name of the enterprise, and enterprise business under the brand name, is again under the various business segments, product brands. These names can be exactly the same or completely different. If you are a brand nameAre conducive to market understanding, and because there is only one name, saving a lot of marketing costs. "But too flattened named this way so your eggs in one basket, once a plate is a product or a business problem, affecting the entire enterprise. Conversely, if using multiple brands, you can diversify development enterprises of different positioning of the individual business segments and productsIn case of problems with which is the brand itself does not directly affect other businesses. Of course, than a higher marketing costs. "United States Booz Company global partner Xu Huchu told reporter Han Ting is obviously a means to diversify the policy chose to separate group names and brand names, many brands may reduce the risk of brand damage, can also be a clearer positioning of brands. Of course, the mostKey may be a Chinese court to evade the limitations of budget hotel. "Hanting the name always give people a sense of limitation of the budget hotels, now after the Chinese Court of the diversification, there are high-end branded and personalized branding appeared in, these are distinct from the hotels, so groups have to circumvent this limitation. "Gorgeous Chief Zhao Huanyan knowledge experts pointed out that TNCs are usuallyGroup brand and product names are case sensitive, in order to highlight the group in General, but sometimes deliberately change the group name under the brand name enterprise what to highlight key position. "For example, several years ago, United States Cendant Hotel Group, originally under it and there is no luxury brand, but after the acquisition of luxury warm de Roma Hotel, want to give people a sense of high-end integrated Hotel Group position, inTemperature is the group name to de Roma Hotel Group, that contrary to the hanting Group changed its name, but the essence is the same, all to clear Group position. Cendant borrowing under premium brands highlights is a luxury hotel company, while the Han court was passed and the economy brand ' out ' to emphasize their own integrated positioning. "Zhao Huanyan said. Subdivision for business, relocation andCat was renamed the Taobao Mall to days, although its official microblog said: "the cat is sexy with taste, cat online shopping, is the representative of fashion, sexy, trend and quality. "But in fact this is clearly to distinguish between Taobao Mall the day cat position B2C, Taobao focus on positioning of C2C, otherwise Taobao Mall will always give people a sense of cheap low end. Without names are case sensitiveProblems at home it is clear, despite its "and Yi" hotel location four stars, but because it is "home" produced, hence "and Yi" often being mistaken for cheap hotels. Maximizing brand value in order to distinguish between location and changed the name of the enterprise|diablo 3 power leveling, but also changing the name back. Wanda is a typical case, it first formed when the Department store sector, want to highlight General merchandiseIndependence of the business, thus intentionally took a new name, "thousands of department stores". Unfortunately, since the brand was not fired, combined with store business problems, resulting in "thousands of department stores" underperforming Wanda group has decided to change the Department store brands next month--Wanda stores the name of the group. "It is all driven by commercial interests, Wanda specializing in real estate, its Department store businessProfessional degree rather than a dedicated department store management, since the Department store business, management should consider to the franchise industry, if you want to manage its own, so we need to avoid management weaknesses, Wanda brand operation of the bundle is very famous, so its back to Wanda department stores makes sense. "The first analysis of retail network founder Richard Ding. "Change the business brand and brand of the GroupDifferent companies will naturally pay more marketing, but it must be evaluated, that the new name you can explicitly position and generate more revenue. "Analysis of Xu Huchu," while thousands of department stores are different, in itself does not require isolation and Wanda group development, but should also expand their markets, and poor to thousands of stores currently operating state, consistent with the groups namesReduce marketing costs, increase the investment attractiveness, now it is needed for. "Return to the origin of the enterprise culture changed its name, and Hola. In 2011, is committed to domestic industry of Hola announced that its stores in mainland China changed its name to "HOLA and" at that time, its General Manager Tong Zhixiang said: "HOLA and upgrade changed its name, isTo consolidate resources, improve efficiency. "In fact, the Teli's parent company--force behind trade closely, in China, Taiwan markets are to" HOLA and "to identify its soft-loading operations, so to base on long-term development considerations, the soft pack brand overall unity between the two sides. "If the same business with two different names will cause the consumer awarenessConfused, but somehow it took 1 time marketing, Hola soft pack business back to name is to maximize the value of existing brands. "Xu Huchu said. [Scroll] guoguangchangpanshi Yi who would sell "sovereignty" (06-09) [scroll] jade cargo recombinant happen or was liquidation (06-0900:02) [scroll] Haida silver Peng Hua high shares in the second inquiry "bought" (06-09) [scroll] "88 spell" waves of redemption of the reconstruction fund institutions "kill" (06-09) [scroll] Chongqing iron and steel into the asset was not built (06-092) [scroll] "new 36" asymptotic civil capital rules "entry" Countdown (06-09) [scroll] jiaduobao ultimate business competition in the market of Guangzhou pharmaceutical (06-09) [scroll] change times: China's retail industry to hold warmth (06-09) [scroll] Wanda tourismReal estate "examination" (06-09) [scroll] cut of "burden lightening" 200 billion of stable growth with intent to strengthen (06-09) [scroll] coal enterprises take the initiative to find the customer imported coal hits the market (06-09) [scroll] art investment or disguise funds in question throughout the United States (06-09) [scroll] Xiang Junbo managed insurance companies invest the new deal (06-09) [scroll] European stocks closed down France CAC index fell by 0.63% (06-09) [scroll] South beauty mist listing (06-09) [scroll] automobile industrySet tide strikes (06-09) [scroll] looking for new balance of direct election of the Chairman of the Trade Union labour relations (06-09) [scroll] supervision by the SFC and the Hong Kong-like restaurant listings (06-09) [scroll] Saab takeover ' Iceman ' young regret exit (06-090:01) [scroll] "by abdominal" Nanjing Changan "long horse" key joint venture (06-09) [scroll] Beijing to 60,000 electronic eye monitoring waste oils (06-09) [scroll] Shenhua Jiangxi 30 billion thermal power project approval of obstacle (06-09) [scroll] of Shanxi provinceHighway "great leap forward" (06-09) [scroll] new judicial interpretation of the Bankruptcy Act intends to expand the scope of debtors ' property (06-09) [scroll] were major shareholders to sell cars in the hippocampus prospect worrying (06-09) [scroll] Ni Kaiming "departure" Volkswagen China leather(06-09) [scroll] national grid primary separation and closeout corner workers no longer qualify for dividends (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: National Bank assets totaled 105.8 trillion yuan at the end of last year (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: strengthening regional systemic risk preventionFan (06-08) [scroll] Germany April per cent decline in both import and export (06-08) [rolling]Dato Timothy:APEC will continue to play an important role in the region (06-08) [scroll] frequent quality children's wear Enterprise trapped detectionStandard (06-08) [scroll] luxury jewelry how to achieve "high premium" (06-08) [scroll] lithium battery electric car accident set off a crisis (06-08) [scroll] controversial agricultural insurance business positioning (06-08) [scroll] New standard implementation imminent crisis facing children's furniture inventory (06-08) [scroll] capital rules to delay relief for the Bank (06-08) [scroll] UCC coffee out of system management (06-08) [scroll] Xiamen tungsten co stealth control over the world's largest tungsten mine?(06-08) [Scroll] eat trillion to pay cake third army offensive ferocious (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification |Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Selected thematic NetEase finance week pictures [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell oneselfSave "rights Wharf Holdings to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: reorganization of units involved insider trading marketSecretary shall suspend the restructuring [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] Regal dating activities of interest to light $ 40,000 spare cashSummary of the financial picture: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System

program group control

129838007757656250_3Apple will launch at the WWDC Conference television software development tools Apple CEO Tim Cook Apple Worldwide Developers Conference to be held next week (WWDC) delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, legend of set-top box may not be released for the company and will be launched in the near future software development tools fully functional TV. Disclosure Apple plans to display HD Apple TV software after the Foundation link, BGR website now reports that AppleWill launch a software development tool, let developers write software for Apple TV business in the world. This Web site reports that, according to people familiar with the matter said reliable, at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference that will be held next week launched a TV software development tool. This will enable third party developers to create software for Apple TV product. These efforts are is still unclear to the AppleFruit of the current Apple TV software to a new version of the software. The disclosure of the message is consistent with previous BGR website reported. BGR website previously reported that Apple plans to introduce an actual operating system. Fully functional Apple TV will be based on the operating system. Apple TV products is a set-top box, receiving from within iTunesCapacity, including the full length movies, TV shows and music. Cable TV is not part of the Apple TV is still in an early stage business. In fact, the cable TV operator is said to be reluctant to sign trade agreement with Apple, worried about Apple to subvert their business models that have been built. This is a legend in the Apple set-top box to increase private TV station application to allow cable operators toCause of multicast content per month fee. [Scroll] Lenovo release sport mobile applications "run mad" (06-10) [scroll] rebate sites suspected pyramid scheme no regulatory experts call for legislation as soon as possible (06-10) [scroll] weekend news review: Apple's developers Conference, pushing a variety of Mac products(06-10) [Scroll] Internet guy "plane collision": bullish on mobile Web applications (06-10) [scroll] electric pandas 35 billion in betting on China's first "ten-line" question (06-10) [scroll] Hai bin LCD Panel partnership with sharp to reduce costs(06-10) [Scroll] EMC's data path: $ 2.5 billion years research and development funds (06-10) [scroll] sky network: network of two or three lines of urban real estate gold rush (06-10) [scroll] Samsung booth was high winds hit the collapse injured 7 part-time students (06-10) [scroll] Nielsen: iPhone share global Smartphone one-third (06-10) [scroll] Microsoft is developing a new patent: removable smart display (06-10) [scroll] Kai-Fu Lee set off a war of words with the non-you be the navel is network attacks (06-10) [scroll] Apple Developers Conference, eight points: pushing a variety of Mac products (06-10) [scroll] the non-you be the Boss about Kai-Fu Lee, program group control (06-10) [scroll] in May of this year the national home appliance sales rose only0.5% (06-10) [scroll] or acquired Investment Bank said Nokia and Microsoft are potential buyers of Samsung (06-10) [rolling]Android Oracle once again lost the battle: were sentenced to pay Google's attorneys ' fees (06-10) [scroll] Seagate and Western Digital monopoly 85% Hard drive market or have reached a price of Union (06-10) [scroll] Apple will launch at the WWDC Conference television software development tools (06-10) [scroll] reported 2015 film movie production on a global scale (06-10) [scroll] IntelPlan to add facial recognition capability in virtual TV service (06-10) [scroll] Google will close the Meebo service next month and the integration of Google (06-10) [scroll] United States must combat child pornography network: 190 persons arrested 18 persons have been rescued (06-10:04) [scroll] Lenovo plans overseas expansion server (06-10) [scroll] stores under the luxury electric Avenue v setting out (06-10) [rolling]Facebook "spells": netqin issuance plans fell through (06-10) [scroll]General Head of China: complementary cooperation with Hon Hai (06-10) [scroll] China car rental aggressive expansion: 95% ratio has been questioned (06-10) [scroll] move the base index The Great Change: user complaints to replace income (06-10) [scroll]IBMHead of software businesses: learn to cooperate with competitors (06-10) [scroll] Wangfujing department store, with revenue growth goals for the second time 70% (06-10) [scroll] commercial bank optimistic about Zhongguancun science and technology startups in the financial services markets (06-10) [scroll]Economic observer: bad comments on clean praise meaningless (06-10) [scroll] three factors forced Jingdong IPO d round of financing difficulty caused by low gross margin (06-10) [scroll] health product B2C experience pain of the channel (06-09) [scroll] online game company out to sea"Gold rush" in mind (06-09) [scroll] "e-commerce" new variants into a pyramid scheme (06-09) [scroll] China business: bloody expansion (06-09) [scroll] potatoes read more, youku study on micro-film and commercial potential (06-09) [scroll] Jingdong how far is it from Amazon (06-09) mobile video revenue last year exceeded 1 billion | To quantify the purpose of performance-related pay system | Review of weak growth in core business: loss of revenue and profit growth to slow high end users clearly | Data services into a centralized review of corruption: Apple introduced Apple TV softwareDevelopment tools | Display operating systems Apple is about to release iOS 6 news the TV Samsung Microsoft also highlights potential buyers interested in buying Nokia iOS 6 confirmation appears at WWDC 2012 (map) News Apple will push at the developers Conference highlights Google's TV software development tools next monthThat service will be close the Meebo and Google integration highlights the non-you be the guest reserved about Kai-Fu Lee program group called out us must network against child pornography on the Internet: 190 were arrested 18 people rescued in Internet consumer rebate site Fujian CEO Victor Koo surrendered the Internet response to the collapse of network advertising have long questioned:Compared to foreign countries has been very gentle communications Nielsen: iPhone share global Smartphone one-third communications, Microsoft is developing a new patent: removable monitor communication between intelligent investment bank said Nokia or Samsung acquired Microsoft IT head of IBM software business in the industry are potential buyers: learn to cooperate with competitors IT industry AnDroid battle Oracle lost again: was sentenced to pay Google's attorneys ' fees IT industry association plans overseas expansion depth of server market with attitude | Victor Koo: excellent cool advertising than slim the appearance of foreign short Apple patent revealing the secrets of computer city renovation market Office to Microsoft online

Thursday, June 28, 2012

stock also has a certain amount of digestive tract in the near future

129836519648281250_379Galaxy Futures: entered a period of weather-sensitive soy bean oil full Spot domestic soybean meal market rose this week, rose yesterday to enlarge. Yi Hai price range at about $ 70-100/ton, mainly because yesterday was not to raise prices, today to fill up, and the other oil companies raise prices at around $ 40-50/ton. The price rebound slowing largely due to the farm community on economic worries, United States nearly 10 days of soybean productionRegional climate, are supporting the soybean rally, with the spot price rises of domestic soybean meal. That exactly meet the price of oil factory, because after entering the May, gradual loss of oil enterprises in the coastal areas, can take advantage of the rebound of sales to ease certain losses. But we are cautiously optimistic on the rebound, bounce time is expected in about a week, Drop next week. Inventory pressure largely due to the oil mill is still larger, and have not been fully released, culture, slow recovery in demand for feed, is rendered as a whole State of oversupply, which still have a suppressing effect on prices; another is the solution to the European debt crisis should not be blindly optimistic, in Greece before the problem is not solved, within the marketRisk aversion is still very high. Macro-risk suspension of oil this week, American beans on hand is firm and dry weather is expected under a wave of backlash. US export demand robust and bean farmers protesting tax regulation under the influence of more obvious. Two thousand twelve-thirteenths annual soybean imports of grain in China is expected to increase to 57.5 million tonnes, an increase of 2.5 million tons this year, because of domestic soybeanProduction expectations. Domestic rape-supporting storage market is expected this year to 2.5 Yuan/kg, State grain buying check upcoming summer grain and rapeseed, the State reserve prop and rapeseed production support of vegetable oil prices sharply, so bean spread reached record highs, so with higher risk. As of June 7, the main port in China inventory to 903,000 tonnes of palm oil, have come down in early, as summerSeason, palm oil consumption or being opened. June macro uncertainty still exists view my site here, at a time when fundamentals do not take, grease up space remains to be seen, recommends caution after the high, short action-oriented. Operation: continuous bean, soybean meal low domestic opened, lack of active buying in the market, has been full of the departure in the early, stock also has a certain amount of digestive tract in the near future, short form of thisDaily opened all the Pacific century, backhand short, small-band operations, patiently waiting for reconstruction in the long term! 1301 contract closed at 9,200, the main force of soybean oil, air has full of highs in early departure, operation click here, for oil prices, we have all of the surplus, recent participation in the rally, all opened today, and backhand short, grasp the rhythm! Palm oil1301 contract closed at 7,758 today, can participate in the rally, today opened all full of the departure, backhand short! Transactions are now a small band, specifically in the Guide!

Sony MT27i

129823442367187500_151Dual-core floating air touch fell again Sony MT27i only $ 2,150 Edit comment: Sony MT27i (Xperia Sola), stylish and with a floating air-touch-screen technology is a big selling point, a dual-core processor performance is quite good. The ointment is only 1320mAh battery capacity, battery life is not too impressive. Need friends may wish to look at. Currently only about 2,150, veryDeserves to start. [Reference]: Sony MT27i (Xperia Sola) $ 2 official site,150