Sunday, June 10, 2012

this is the seventh consecutive year SWTOR CD-key this is the seventh consecutive year - JCPN

129823442320468750_34Internet Lab: 2011 paid-for software piracy rates in China 38% NetEase tech news on May 24, 2011 annual rates of software piracy report released today, the report said, according to the calculation of all the software, 2011 China's software piracy rate 11.8%, 2010, that number is 12%, and should be paid-for software piracy rate to 38% SWTOR CD-key, down 3%. The report is the national intellectual property office by an ultra-laboratoryShare responsibility for publishing and Internet lab, this is the seventh consecutive year, the Agency issued a similar report. According to the report, China's software piracy rate falling, pirated software TERA Power Leveling, the sharpest of the information security software, from 45% per cent, and Office software piracy rate dropped from 59% to 55%, operating system software piracy rate dropped from 25% to 24%.Internet laboratory said software piracy rates are based on the present software legalization and push for action against piracy Rift CD-key, 2011 Number Sets the per-computer installation of genuine software to increase the 20%. Meanwhile, the report said, trends of cloud computing so that at present a large number of businesses started to use cloud platforms software, financial, Office and other software began to cloud developmentAt the same time, many software companies started implementation of the software free of charge, service charge is also changing the rate of software piracy in China. Internet lab report and the Business Software Alliance (BSA) report there has been no small, BSA some time ago a report saying China 2011 PC piracy rate is 77%. But both have come to the conclusion based on a different surveyMethod and calculation process. Two reports have in common is that piracy rates are falling. (Wang Jiecong) Others:

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