Friday, March 30, 2012

diablo 3 gold 2-6 - FOH

129773184558437500_215March 26: ATP'1000 Miami masters to continue competing men's singles 3rd round, called little Roger Federer Bulgaria genius dimiteluofu 6-3,2-6,6-4 score baoleng repel the Czech name is Badici, first against members of the Top10 got career victory while working together with tesongjia, who broke into the 4th round. After 2 hours16 minutes of competing for Bulgaria genius dimiteluofu three out ranked 7th in the world by Badici killed in the Miami masters top 16, this game is also the first time in dimiteluofu career win Top10 player swtor credits, his overall record to 1 win against members of the Top10 now 9. Dimiteluofu, 20 years old during the game play 6 ACE ball and9 double fault and saved 7 break points they face 5. In addition to his overall score is better than bodiqi more than 4 points. Dimiteluofu has reversed during the match in Rotterdam two years ago against bodiqi. As United States small black pearl Williams gossip boyfriend, ranks 101th dimiteluofu was the first in the world to play into the 4th round of the masters level events.Next dimiteluofu encounter earlier on they keep the tournament of two consecutive victories record 9th seed dipusaleweiqi. Ranked 9th in the world in Serbia again after another fierce battle of 6-4,5-7 diablo 3 gold,6-2 glasses man scores eliminated the 18th seed, duoergeboluofu. Dipusaleweiqi sing really good kick out of contention 2 hours 6 minutes 10 a ACE ball and 44% break the success rate of broken Ukraine small 4 service game. At this point of the season dipusaleweiqi overall record to 14 wins 5 negative. In the end game, ranked 6th in the world of France alitesongjia 6-4,7-6 (2) score of Lectra Germany players keershileibai. Although a success rate of just over 40%, tesongjia made up12 ACE ball and secure 68% service. Due to the stable performance on key tesongjia has defused a 4 break crisis tera power leveling, while France names their break success rate is as high as 100%. By virtue of this win tesongjia keershileibai fighting between themselves and also rewrite the record 4-1. , 26, France total record to 17 WINS name season 4Negative. () Others:

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