Friday, March 30, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling 2011 to China ping an insurance group of private placement - MPV

129765260871406250_12Stingy deep mystery of the development dividend "green" move to local 65% of net profit growth rate, earnings per share of $ 2.18, net worth increased from $ 10.32 per share to $ 14.3, shareholders ' equity grew by 127%, the SDB and ping an bank merger after reports the two lines first report card full of highlights, but small and medium investors expect dividend have not arrived as scheduled, ping an Bank Governor Richard says, restore the associated financial complexDividends need to be directed to peace after the issuance of supplementary capital in place. It is safe on the deep development of the third, and ping an stake will increase after every increase. Peace after the deep development of absolute control, is the strength of the culture of peace into a deep development: sing peace Division song of the Christmas song diablo 3 power leveling, open morning, followed the leaders shouted slogans, which has become the deep development of grass-roots networks workBegin. Including initial run-in, cultural integration, this largest merger in the history of China's financial integration and still full of story and suspense. Dividends provided since 2003, deep development in addition to 2008-a infrared and then no dividends, strategic investors within 3 years of the master on the bridge, although the performance continue to grow, but is also has no dividends, because almost allWandering capital adequacy regulation red edge. Medium and small investors are hoping will solve the deep development of the peace capital of long-term development issues, peace May 2010 sent a three-person team aside deep into the transition period when, at that time called the powerful backing of the Green Group to resolve the deep development of long-term development finance issues. Took out the beautiful report card, bonusInvestors are most concerned about the issue. Richard said: "in fact we own is also very much like to be able to pay dividends as soon as possible, and we believe that if the capital once it is approved and finalized, we will as soon as possible, taking into account the dividend. "Richard called the deep development of supplementary capital plan refers to August 18, 2011 ping directional add-issuance plans again,Plan safe per share to $ 16.81 subscribed in deep development of 892 million shares to 1.19 billion shares, equivalent to raise 15 billion to 20 billion yuan of funds. Richard subtext was increased again by investors interpreted as complete are prerequisites for the dividend. In fact, the deep development for peace have increased twice, once in 2010 to ping an life insurance the raising of additional 69.3Billion, one was on June 29, 2011 to China ping an insurance group of private placement (90.75% shares, equivalent to ping an Bank injected) 1.64 billion shares in deep development equivalent to raise $ 26.9 billion. Deep development of current capital ratio and core capital ratios up to and 11.51% respectively, satisfies regulatory requirements, but it is still listed banksAt a low level. Third was given additional implementation, static calculation for improving bank capital adequacy 1.9%-2.5%. "From a common sense perspective, peace ought to take advantage of dividends, dividends can actually have the cash dividend and songgu several ways, capital constraints, do not constitute a reason for. "A large brokerages concede a Banking Analyst, to again increase realShi Lai as the bonus conditions, peace has its own strategic considerations. Each time the number of results is accompanied by rising of the Green Bank stake, increased for the third time after the implementation of ping an group holds shares jumped to 61.36% the development of deep, deep development of absolute holding more. For peace group, and its banking sector's growing appetite.Besides many deep development outside the capital increase swtor credits, March 18 declared by safe assets involved in the purchase of 705 million shares shares increases. Consolidation path is long behind the beautiful report card has a two-line integration synergies and cross-selling of the combined effect of several brokers research investment rating of bank holdings and buying, but deep smooth integration of development and peace of the road is still long. ABanking Analyst pointed out that risks looming behind its high performance, deep basis for developing their fellows than, for instance, poor capital adequacy standard only and bear high capital cost, bad loan rates rise more quickly, due to their duigongyewu trade finance are doing, respond more quickly to the macro-economic decline, decline in real economic activity which will take the lead to reflect. Some experts:, Two lines of consolidation is an involved business grooming, people, architecture, cultural integration, and a full range of complex operations, ping an Bank management and operation experience in itself, ways and paths of integration needed to comply with the objective economic laws, not to business operation and management mode of insurance to the Bank. Cultural fusion is a time tested system, safe and strong cultureOutput Xia, despite currently deep development of staff were has society habits daily sing peace Chung under Division song of morning will mode, but if on, deep development staff adaptation has peace culture is early, Shenzhen University financial Institute, Director of Guo Shiping (micro-Bo) pointed out that, flat deep integration can is success now also is difficult to told, bank insurance of depth integration also no success of case, is to be viewsJustice. Integration of pain is inevitable, for example, some networks coincidence staff wastage in more, grass-roots Governor moved away in some branches and even entire team, it also directly caused the loss of customers, resulting in loss of deposits swtor credits, reflected in the deep in the development of annual report data that is deposit cost is too high, its demand deposits accounted for more than 34% less than 50%�� According to people familiar with the matter said, Shenzhen Development Bank has reached an agreement with regulators, in before June 30 this year be sure to complete the integration of the corporate and brand. Corporate and brand integration involves the cancellation of technical problems and unifying name, while business network institutions merge integration is complex and a huge amount of surgery. It is learnt that the two lines of consolidated total implemented more than 5,500 more than one project, now the core ofTradition and credit systems have been merged. Richard was optimistic about integration processes, "hope 100% completes Bank consolidation in the first quarter of next year. �� Others:

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