Friday, March 30, 2012

swtor gold but first asked if I want to change my job. When I heard the news - ZWS

129756711589843750_829Zhang Chengren wants me to have a recent photo, is said to introduce the work you want to use. In other words, Zhang Chengren introduced me to initially before Li zongren's views, and not directly about their real purpose, but first asked if I want to change my job. When I heard the news, of course, think it is a good thing. Seems to be on a weekend afternoon, have reached the normal work hours,Zhang Chengren make a phone call, he first of all ask over the phone because I don't know a person called Cheng siyuan, I thought he said is not the Secretary of Li zongren's views on Cheng siyuan, and blurted out that knows the person, but the other side does not know me. Zhang Chengren listened, laughed swtor gold, told me over the phone, wait a minute just to meet me at the hospital along with Cheng siyuan,Take me to see a big man. I heard, but is unable to make head or tail of ..., and Zhang Chengren is never a joke! Why are such a freak! I stood waiting at the gate of the hospital and not much for a while, a grey-blue Volga car stopped beside me slowly. Under Zhang Chengren shake out the window, smiling happily, I quickly get on the train. I get in the carHou, sitting in the back seat of Zhang Chengren pointed to the middle of the front of a lean figure, said to me he was Cheng siyuan. Cheng siyuan turned with a smile, I Cheng siyuan polite nod. Zhang Chengren looked at me puzzled expression, be mysterious to me said she would take me to see someone, might be good for I transferred. On the way, I listened quietlyDescribes Yee Chihyen's search and Cheng siyuan is free to say the words, but couldn't understand a topic I. Therefore I have no plug in a Word. Turn cars into a narrow path, in numbers "zongbu Hutong, 5th West" stopped at the door. At this time, Zhang Chengren said to me, you know I do you see somebody who is? I was puzzled to shake his head. Zhang Chengren said thisCharacter is Mr Li zongren's views and I did not feel too surprised, but subconsciously repeating the sentence, because when I was in the country village of tweeter playing over reports about his return, but why do you want to take me to see the and their relationship is not big yet? I'm just confused. Three of us have been through the yard swtor credits, in the living room. In my faceAgo is a serum leptin of elderly than Cheng siyuan, a look at his obvious features characteristics, especially the protruding cheekbones, know it's a southerner. I think this is probably let me see Li zongren's views on it. Sure enough, Cheng siyuan quickly came forward and said to me that's what Mr LI, and Li zongren said I was a small girl. Li zongren's views on speaking with a smile strongLocal accent, we sat, I don't know that he is a man of Guangxi, do not quite understand what he said, just looking at his hand, to understand the meaning. After we sat down, I couldn't help sneaking in the Li zongren's views and Zhang Chengren greeting each other looked the great big man, Li zongren's views at the time hair is gray, look over scarab diablo 3 power leveling, and his upper body was dressed in a deepColor nylon shirts, wearing color lighter below seems to be made of linen trousers, although after he sat down and they become more little, however, spirit and look good. I from his manners, clear to him by ordinary people cannot have a unique personality, showing a pair of powerful and general spirit. I think to myself, big shot, after all, is a big man, even though heAppearance there is nothing special about, but as soon as you contact him, completely different feelings will unwittingly blowing. I saw Li zongren's views, although was 76 years old, but look very good appearance, waist not bent, back camel, speaks loudly. The big man is not I see in the movies and books and imagine the kind of heavy features, Tall image of the mighty heroes, but all over inadvertently showing a soldier temperament of awe-inspiring righteousness, but yet elegant and good governance. It is said that he was in command when the battle of taierzhuang, the Japanese army's stray bullets had hit his five teeth, then did a resection of the stomach, gall bladder surgery, but as if all this did not damage his health. At this time he was in front of meTalkative and very straightforward to express views on things and personal views, I feel he is a very honest, very practical, limelight also good old man. This is Li zongren's views on first impressions I was. Li zongren's very talkative and Cheng siyuan said he then, and then turned to me and asked some of the basic conditions of work and life. Subsequently, he switched the topicZhang Chengren, but said that after two or three sentences on and pull me topics, it's like a diplomatic negotiation. Nice to meet you, I of course wanted to give the big man made a good impression, so, in my reply to Li zongren's views when interviewed, played fairly well. We talked for about an hour, when the clock strikes at seven o'clock, Li zongren come to dinner leaving us warmlyMeal. 1234 «» Others:

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