Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera gold "real estate" - GTN

129788422104843750_183Peak real estate trust to honour hidden opportunities, doing non-performing assets acquired by financial-assets management company has been targeted in this area.   However after regulators halted asset management company to buy bad assets trust tera gold, through funds launched in the form of acquisitions you can circumvent this problem. On April 12, China Cinda asset managementDivision (hereinafter referred to as "China Cinda") sources, owned by China Cinda China Golden Valley international trust and Investment Corporation, Xinda real estate company limited (hereinafter referred to as "Valley of gold trust", "investments", "real estate"), three companies as sponsors are creation of a total 10 billion worth of real estate acquisition Fund. This onlyHuge special opportunity acquisition Fund limited partnership tera gold, investment mainly to bad real estate investment trust product acquisitions, fund managers (GP) or to huirong equity investment fund management company (hereinafter referred to as "Xinda huirong"). The sources said 10 billion scale issues, funded mainly by the private part and its own funds. “Issued in stages, is still in the first phase of the Fund raising. Are reserved as well as some of the projects, on the one hand from the original high quality projects, on the other hand was found on the market. "The real estate market regulation, integration of industry mergers and acquisitions opportunities inevitably heat up. "People rarely have such a large amount of real estate acquisition, Xinda financial advantages, directInvestment and business, have the possibility to do it.   "Shenzhen dxn capital senior investment manager Liu Cong said. Acquisition of bad real estate Golden Valley trust, trust investment shares absolutely held by China Cinda and level held by wholly-owned subsidiary; Xinda real estate is owned by China Cinda listed companies in real estate development, investment holdings; huirong is owned by CedarPrivate equity investment fund of the institution, special operations.   Merger and acquisition of the real estate fund established patterns, Xinda in China by the three subsidiaries as the Fund's limited partners, and funded from the Fund and Fund will also receive financial funding of investors with limited partners. These sources said, fundraising includes primarily domestic financial institution investmentFunding, such as pension funds, CDB, China investment tera power leveling, insurance companies, trust companies and other; non-financial institutions (including non-financial institutions with cash in State-owned enterprises and private enterprises), qualified individual investors and funds. Down payment Fund for project equity acquisition of the real estate investment trust products, as a real estate investment trust market of high qualityProject to provide liquidity solutions.   Specific operational ways, after the maturity of the project, the Fund sold items to other market participants; or items to achieve the real estate operation; also, by means of a securitization to sell the acquired assets. These people said, to avoid the competition and parent company China Cinda, the bad assets of the Fund to buyScope should be limited to the main industry is not currently available, or because of policy constraints and higher risk investments instead of weapons to do business. Others:

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