Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling saying he "is a lie." While Obama is echoing said - SCE

129773991383125000_14United States President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Seoul to chat. New Washington, March 26 (reporter Wu Qingcai) microphone has helped excellent eloquence of Obama are successful and eventually entered the White House tera power leveling, but this won't lie "megaphone" now and again bring him trouble. Is in Seoul to attend nuclear Summit of United States President Barack Obama's 26th andRussian President Dmitry Medvedev's commitment in a private chat, once again he was elected United States President on controversial issues such as anti-missile system to adopt a more flexible policy. Obama's rare blunt was exposed due to microphone does not power off, the matter immediately in the United States caused a great uproar in China. "This problem can be solved, but it is important that he wanted to give me space. "ObamaIn the private chat on Medvedev said: "this is my last elections, after the election, (on the issues) I will have more flexibility. "Obama said he apparently was referring to Russia's newly elected next President Putin. Medvedev responded that he understood Obama means, will bring this message to Putin. In US-Russian relations since United States periodMissile defense systems are in trouble, which has been threatened in recent years, relations between the two sides of "reset". On this microphone affair, the White House responded that the same day, Obama reflects reality. United States President's Deputy National Security Adviser, Rhodes said: "because the election year is 2012 Russia and the United States, Russia held general elections and leaders, United States will also hold elections. DisplayEasy to see, this is not the year we are able to reach a consensus. "But the United States Republicans for Obama tera power leveling, then a violent attack. Republican Senator, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee * Mike Turner, immediately sent a letter to Obama, asking him to "urgent explanation" their words, and threatened the Congress will block all attempts to undermine the missile defense system plan. Republicans now leadPresidential candidate Mitt Romney said Obama's remarks "shocking" and "disturbing", indicating that he intended to yield on the issue of the missile defense system in Russia. This is Obama's second in the "microphone". In November during the G20 Summit in Cannes last year, Sarkozy and Obama by microphone not turn off for a private conversation that is inadvertently passed to the press conference。 Sarkozy said he could no longer put up with Netanyahu tera gold, saying he "is a lie." While Obama is echoing said: "you bore him, and I just have to deal with him every day. "Obama's remarks stirred up Melaleuca, and not only is media criticism, Republicans grab" handle "that the Obama administration began" be ashamed of "United States in the Middle East the most intimate UnionThe country, which is detrimental to the development of bilateral relations. This event is also known as the Obama administration committed "tragic error", with traditional trust relationship could damage not only the United States, will also cost him the support of Jewish voters. In fact, in the United States politics more than the Obama administration committed the error. Former President George w once stole cursed journalists "is really an asshole", but because the microphone is not closed and made a fool of, 1984 during the years of the cold war, the late United States President Ronald Reagan issued a weekly radio speech, when you test the microphone, he said: "we will bomb the Soviet Union in 5 minutes! "Nearly led to war. Finish Others:

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