Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling hit so many times - UMN

129773900560937500_75Marin "suffocating" appearance, such as opportunity this evening Sweden led Yeah sporting Wu Weiwei (micro-blogging) on March 27: waiting for the two teams after the game, Marin has finally got out the opportunity, he will be in the upcoming Sweden team led in the race. As a veteran of 32 years, Marin has 3 Olympic title, Wang liqin had faded out when the First team, he continued war his seventh World table tennis championship groupMatch. However, in the first two games in the group stage, Wang Hao-Zhang Jike two has been given a full Olympic-eligible players on stage tera gold, MA Lin has been on ice by head coach Liu guoliang, have not sent him in the jungle. In this case tera power leveling, Liu guoliang has its own considerations, he hoped that at the most critical times to put the veteran experience in Waterloo Road. Liu guoliang said: "holding back a simmering, hold back foot, going to horseFound on the game state. Marin is an old player, hit so many times, I believe that he can also be found in the following game, that he would like Moscow, on the front nor how, last-minute play can break out. "Liu Guoliang has said are 2010 World table tennis championships in Moscow, when the debut of Ma Lin in the final turn, helping China obtainA victory in the final. That being said, but Marin is difficult to "holding back", he was even team-mates joked, "no game play stroll stroll". It turns out that in yesterday's China and North Korea in the team competition, seen on handball unqualified causes no rubber match, active was present Ma Lin went private scissor handed over to help rivals a big favor. About MarinThis two-day, his roommate--' member Chen �^ has the best voice. Chen �^ said: "he must really like to play, also told me that the first two days, ' also does not let me play, a little worried. ' "However tera gold, Chen �^ believes that Marin and does not therefore affect the mood," Liu Dao (Liu Guoliang) tell you that everyone should prepare for play, as long as no startThere are special circumstances. Moscow has finished all drawing experience, everyone is actively preparing for war, not temporary entry appears. "Tonight, Marin finally came an opportunity in the face with Persen, master of Sweden team, he showed up and fire the first shot, and that he is to his excellent performance, for example to the Malone, Zhang Jike and other small. Others:

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