Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling growth will accelerate in the future - JFM

129771798771499810_42Editor's Note: half a year line has always been considered a bull/bear line, however, has not available in case the basis in a bear market, dropping below half line does not mean weakening in the market will be fully. In fact, the shocks to a wide market, thrown each time fell below key resistance level after the panic down, tend to have a relatively strong rebound with kinetic energy, it also means lowBuy and sell high strategy at this stage has a very good operational significance.   Broker latest rating tera gold, 21 unit time to buy is now. British weiteng (002334): expected consolidation effect future growth 002334[Invt] electric power equipment industry research institutes: CSC securities (Hong Kong) analysts: Lai 燊sheng writing date: 2Conclusions and recommendations 012, March 22: the company released today the 2011 annual report tera power leveling, achieving revenues of $ 690 million (YOY 36.9%), achieving a net profit of 78 million Yuan (YOY-32.6%), $ EPS0.64, consistent with the performance of Express. Looking ahead, we believe that the company gross profit margin will remainHigher level; perfection as the company's sales pipeline layout and options in advance of the cost of extraction, company expense ratio will significantly decline in the future, providing a solid foundation for the acceleration of the company's future performance. $ 1.013 billion is expected in 2012 and 2013, respectively of the company achieve revenue (YOY 47%), 1.357 billion (YOY 33.9%), And net earnings of $ 139 million (YOY 78.8%), 183 million (YOY 31.0%), EPS1.15, $ 1.5, corresponding to the current share price and 2012 dynamic PE 24X tera power leveling, respectively 19X, considered the company's technology is fine, as the completed layout, growth will accelerate in the future, the current valuationLow, raise the rating to "buy" recommendation, 6-month target price of $ 34.5 (dynamic PE 30X corresponds to 2012) Others:

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