Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera power leveling to his wife and children when Miao Weimin said the decision - TFX

129773438970468750_1098Yesterday, the Miao Weimin, told reporters his poem creation--the home of (left). A week ago he go back to see the country where children not reading after class, decided that the old house donated it as a library and reading room. He was paralyzed in bed, talking has not much effort, nutrient solution maintains the last life. "How many days might not be, he does not fear death, but do notWant to leave behind regrets. "Yesterday, in a hospital bed, nearly 80 years of age in taihe County former Vice Secretary of Commission of Miao Weimin has signed" organ donation pledges ". "My body organs as a finishing touch with ' special ' Party membership dues donation, to help patients. "Has a 38 year old seedlings of party members of the party standing for the people, at the end of life, interpretation of the noble sentiments of a Communist Party member. DonateOrgan, he ignored his family's opposition to "hospitals have been for half a year, a week ago, I didn't know he got the gall bladder cancer. "The afternoon of March 24, when reporters met Miao Weimin in taihe County people's Hospital, he is quietly lying on the bed. The elderly face wax yellow, but eyes and striking a light, make people feel he's strong. "Say, there I would like to live. I work for the party and the StateFor 58 years, wanted to work for years, but now only had quietly died. "The old man said, he does not fear death, but wish the outstanding tera power leveling," I think as a finishing touch their body organs ' special ' Party membership dues donation. "A week ago, to his wife and children when Miao Weimin said the decision, were opposed by the family. Family opposed on the grounds that, "living has suffered a diseasePain tortures and death should be more ' respectable ' and left. "However, the family's objection has not changed the old man in the first place. Old man wrote the suicide note, clearly-donating organs after death, the child should not interfere. Yesterday, taihe County people's Hospital of liver and gallbladder doctor Zhang xinya a remains of Anhui Province Red Cross organ donation commitment letter to the vaccine for the people. Old people read it carefully, do not hesitate toSign his own name. "Admire the master's spirit, he is our first application in taihe County remains an organ donor. "Zhang xinya said, after checking, two corneas are good for the elderly, aplastic anemia can help eye to see again in the future. Fighting illness, he wrote his "diary of death" in the seedling bed with a black notebook, disregard all records above him andProcess of disease fighting. His "diary of death" recorded in his strong, open-minded and understanding of life. Last September, Miao Weimin to hospital for an examination of the chest pain. "At that time the doctor told me in private, Dad has gall bladder cancer, not surgery, can live a dozen days. "For fear of the father's despair, Miao Yong son without his father, and told he is suffering from cholecystitis. Miao WeiminHis wife Sue the United States and Britain three years older than he, who grew up in a village, childhood sweethearts. 62 marriage makes men proud. "Whenever the condition improves, he was pleased that the mood in the book written. "Su Meiying said, his condition deteriorates, the husband will become frustrated. A week ago, seedlings for the people cannot eat, his condition began to deteriorate. Finally, his wife couldn't bear to heart, telling him the truth,Miao Weimin is very calm. "Knew had cancer, but frankly, everyone cannot escape the laws of life and death, happy to go. "On March 17, the Miao Weimin wrote in a journal. That night he slept very at ease. The next day, he began to consider the funeral. Recalling the past, his exclamation mingyunduochuan summing up his life, Miao Weimin old "mingyunduochuan"An overview of. In 1932, the Miao Weimin was born in taihe County second lang Heung Su Zhai village, because the father is the old-style private schools in the village at that time, until he was able to read the letter. After the founding of new China, he was admitted to a normal school in the province, after graduation, was assigned to the provincial Department of education. In 1956, he was admitted to Faculty of law, University of the Chinese people. After graduation, he remained in the national people's Congress for a teacher. Last century 60Age, taihe County and elsewhere in the country, suffered a serious natural disaster, many people have enough to eat meals tera power leveling, not on science. After Miao Weimin has a family at that time knew, decided to give up working in Beijing, ready to go home to look after his wife and children parents, supports home education. After returning to Wo, Wo high school was a high school teacher, Miao Weimin. In 1982, the Anhui after you recover the system, Seedlings for the people to pass the exam in Anhui Province has been made the first lawyers certificate, at that time was called Anhui medical certificate lawyers first. Since then, the Miao Weimin in taihe County Judicial Council and Commission work, retirement, already the taihe County Deputy Secretary of the Commission. In 1994, after the retirement of Miao Weimin worked as a lawyer, 18 years, free of charge more than more than 200 cases of mediation. "I have five children,Three sons, young, family burden is very heavy. "In order to support his family tera gold, down and Miao Weimin sold out of all the valuable family belongings in the House, even to sell the most prized possession of a watch. Miao Weimin served as Deputy Secretary of the County Commission, but children do not "get". Five children are now self employed, small daughter is still unemployed workers. Last words, he give allEducation "there's nothing left for you after my death, home to an old House to donate the village, set aside as a library and reading room for the children, some of the savings to buy books for the children. "Yesterday, explain to the children of the elderly at the funeral. A week ago, was seriously ill old man without his family, with his little son he sneaked back to the trip to rural hometown. Grass of home and neighborhood feeling tears full of clothes for the elderly. See agricultureChildren outside of the village there is no "reading of the place felt very uncomfortable. "After returning to the hospital, discuss Miao Weimin and his wife, donated a House to the village of rural library and reading room, then buy some books for the children after class. "In this life, I taught my students more than more than 7,000, most of them now have become useful only to countries. "Miao Weimin said, his life's greatest wealthIs to have students all over the country. Ending interview, the old man said that he wishes and can be safely left. (This article source: continue online) (Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

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