Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold of personal business loan of $ 153.65 billion - XNI

129773903189218750_69Wenzhou banking bad loans soared 8 months 370% After the private lending crisis, small and medium enterprises funding strand breaks, national bad loan rates lowest prefecture-level cities – Wenzhou banking bad loan rates rise dramatically. Wenzhou, a report from the Banking Council of "monthly bulletin of banks ' loan quality classification table" (hereinafter referred to as "the report"), Wenzhou banking bad loan ratio of 1.74% in late February of this year, has jumped 8 monthsSituation, than at the end of June last year lowest 0.37% rising 370.27%. According to this report, at the end of February, Wenzhou banking financial institutions ' non-performing loans of up to $ 11.241 billion, increased $ 2.546 billion at the beginning of the year, than the increase of $ 1.785 billion at the end of last month; Meanwhile, increased bad loan ratio than earlier in the year 0.38%,Late last month by 0.27%. Which is, Wenzhou banking bad loans over two months before signs of increasing. Among them, a large State-owned bank of Wenzhou branch of bad loans of $ 2.09 billion, head of the banks. A secured financing company of Wenzhou thought, signs last April or May occur in July or August, the climax of Wenzhou private lending crisis, so farFirst anniversary of Bank loan the peak in a few months time. However, in the near-collapse of the financial credit system, after the Bank's credit risks are dramatically enhanced, Wenzhou has very tight liquidity in the enterprises and individuals, this does not rule out in the coming months tera gold, Wenzhou banking bad loan rates have accelerated in May. In February, shenyin wanguo published research reports, mostBanks surveyed expected 2012 Wenzhou NPL ratio is at least 2%, and in the context of rapid economic downturn does not exclude 5%. Shenyin wanguo believe that 2012 bad loans should be greater than the pressure in the first half of 2008 quarter, because a withdrawal of funds from private lending may lead to small business funding strand, and 2008 quarters of private fundQuite plentiful. As far as I understand, at present banks in Wenzhou has different tolerance levels increasing the ratio of bad loans, generally will relax tolerance to 1% per cent. Before a Wenzhou banking Bureau official told the local media that the 0.5%-1% increase in most banks, increase the rate of bad loans after tolerance at about 2%, individual banks or even 3% or CCB temperatureState branch or to the higher line proposed to handling non performing loans restructuring decentralization of authority to the Bank. "The significant increase in bad loans, had a great impact on bank lending space. "A principal responsible persons of Wenzhou City commercial bank branch told reporters recently, almost all banks are tightening the traditional SME lending, real estate loan almost entirely stopped, government investment projects andSome technology companies, become the main object of the banks to loan. At present, Wenzhou, a total of 1330 of banking institutions, are types of banking institutions in Zhejiang Province one of the most complete and largest number of dots of prefecture-level cities. Wenzhou Bureau of statistics data showed, Wenzhou banking $ 7.531 billion in new loans in January-February this year, less $ 9.44 billion per cent tera power leveling,Is February a strict credit controls and restrictions on loan to deposit ratio and other factors, only $ 2.875 billion in new loans, 1.784 billion yuan less than the previous month, tightening 64.4%. In addition, the end of February, of personal business loan of $ 153.65 billion, earlier than the reduction of $ 4.5 billion tera power leveling, down 0.28%. Related news: p: bad rate most funded this yearHigh rise 3% Bank classification adjustments result in bad loans edged up banking bad loans in China "double up" is the probability of the event the Bank bad loans of four quarter index six years two-liter Others:

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