Friday, April 6, 2012

tera power leveling Home 4 sons - CAM

129770904425156250_183Shangcai County land Bureau said only destroy seedlings do not constitute conditions of placing, investigation team has been set up to investigate "two days ago, Premier Wen Jiabao came to Henan province Linying, wuyang view seedling growth tera gold, it was his Nineth farmland in Henan province, on the ' China's breadbasket ' pinned sth This morning, dozens of kilometers of the Shangcai County caiduzhen King village, green wheat fields will be bulldozers levelled,Shangcai attracting secondary school the County forced nearly 500 acres of cultivated land, most farmers have not been collected compensation. "A few days ago, a microblogging has spread micro Baubeau Master Yang Tong. Yesterday (March 22), the economic daily news reporters came to the claimed microblogging alleged local fieldwork. According to villagers to reflect, caiduzhen King of the Internet post village and Zhouzhuang village to village, belong to "Village "a Omura, the Omura's population of more than 2000 people. Villagers said were destroyed by bulldozer shovel barley seedling "a hundred or so acres of" Zhouzhuang village and landscape village being "forced" totals more than 300 acres of land. Not only that, the villagers also said they had never seen the relevant requisition approval from, not sure really. Despite the central problem of peasant land many times for directions, andExpropriation of peasants ' land "to farmers ' voluntary, second, reasonable compensation", but the Shangcai County "village well" many villagers told reporters that their use of the village land was not voluntary, compensation or satisfaction. Supervision team of Shangcai County land and resources Bureau Deputy Director Cheng Yuchang, Captain Lee told the daily economic news reporter that tera gold, because it does not charge permission, do not understand the above are symptoms of land if they have beenGot the Government approval. But Captain Lee says, above acts constitutes an offence covering of land expropriation shall be based on facts, "just destroy seedlings still frame out of our office". "A hundred or so acres of" young athletes were destroyed in luohe city of Henan Province Government website, March 17, Premier Wen Jiabao came to agriculture in Linying County investigation in luohe city spring production, "Prime Minister headed in wheat field, Squat down, scrape away the soil, see soil moisture, and hand pulling up a strain of wheat seedling and tiller number together with the surrounding agricultural technical personnel. "Agriculture in Linying County Council Senior agronomist said Wang Chunhua. Zhumadian city, luohe city and adjacent, Linying County and Shangcai County is less than 100 km. Reporters at the Shangcai County Zhouzhuang one side of the highway leading to the town, when construction starts in wheat field of the whipCannon, black and yellow in the wheat fields, interspersed with many ruts and India, were destroyed by shoveling wheat seedling can be seen everywhere. Zhouzhuang village told reporters that the rut India are left by the bulldozer, "also pursued my vovage through the time of the day in the morning the day before yesterday, we all slept, started (shovel seedling). "Reporter at the villagers led by walking around the crop circle it has found at least 5 like the hills of soilSpread over four weeks. Villagers said, shoveling out after seedling, bulldozer seedling, dirt piled together, forming a small hill. A has not been eradicated in the wheat fields, the daily economic news reporter found was overwhelming seedling formation of two 2-metre wide, hundred-meter long track printed, from the picture above: to the Jing Zhuang. Next to the two imprinted, with many curved track marks. Sky have floated up the rain,Journalists came to the village well to a home. The household Mistress told reporters that her family a total of 2.8 acre, 1.6 acres by forced, she was not willing to sth During a conversation with her, reporters found himself gathered a group of about 30 villagers around, also, have been flooding into the yard, telling the pain of losing land. 3 villagers told reporters that they rely on farming for a living, now the land is aAll of use would like to work outside it are old. First name weeks told reporters that for the elderly, Home 4 sons, 18 people have 8 acres of land has been requisitioned, the most important thing is, "(seedlings of land expropriation and spades) I had not signed." Talk about this matter, excitement for the elderly. Another old man told reporters, Zhouzhuang, the Jing Zhuang expropriated the land totals over 300 acre, seedling that has been destroyed, "a hundred or so acres". Investment approval procedures is not complete "100 people with 90 people disagreed, but there was no way. Say when not signed before, have no money and no. "The villagers said, he did not sign any agreement, and a large number of villagers still did not agree to sign land acquisition-related material. Around the Zhouzhuang and the Jing ZhuangVisit, in addition to be destruction of wheat seedling, complaining villagers, reporters did not see any notice relating to land acquisition. For the compensation issue, already signed by the two villagers told reporters, 1 acre of land may obtain compensation for about $ 30,000. This reporter has learned, Zhouzhuang village before and after land acquisition began in the spring. To date, the villagers indicated that it did not see any issues of land expropriation-related government announcements, documents,The village Committee also did not convene a meeting to seek the views of the villagers. However, villagers said, "people of the village Committee" from House to home village sign, villagers ' land of consumers who are not informed. Zhouzhuang, Yichang road side of the wheat field, reporters saw a large sign. Said above have the planning of land use. However, the reporter's visit, to see the sign on a blank. "(Poster) thisWithdrawal of the morning. "The villagers say, the poster shows the construction of land use is" Shangcai middle school ". Villagers over land use not only questioned reporters has consulted a number of Shangcai County locals, they have indicated that they do not know the County also have a new "Shangcai middle school" program. However, according to China's network TV news last night, staff of the propaganda Department of the Shangcai County, in order to alleviate teachingLack of education resource, County Government in attracting investment to build a full-time boarding school, from the Holy land in Henan investment plan covers an area of 300 acres, but investment approval procedure has not been completed, eager to start. Shangcai County Government has asked the company to stop immediately. Land and people: the frame according to the condition of not filing, has long been the most strict of the arable land protection in ChinaSystem to ensure that 1.8 billion acres of red line. 45th under China's the land administration law, other than the collection of basic farmland, and farmland over 35 hectares of cultivated land, others more than 70 hectares of land are required to the State Council for approval. The so-called "prime farmland", refers to according to the established by the land use plan, long term shall occupy the land. Reporters found that Zhouzhuang village, and KingVillage of the expropriated land was arrested for illegal land and occupy basic farmland. As to whether Zhouzhuang expropriated land Bureau approval has been made, yesterday was connected to Shangcai County land and resources Bureau Deputy Director Cheng Yuchang, the supervision team captain Lee, who told reporters tera power leveling, because not in charge of examination and approval and do not understand the Mans situation. Captain Lee told reporters that territorial supervision team found in young athletesAfter being destroyed, sent a squadron to investigate the incident, but the findings did not indicate that constitutes an offence, the term "constitutes an offence to take facts as the basis. Reality is that there is no destruction of arable land, no damage to growing conditions, also found digging foundations to build a House. "" Only destroy seedlings configurable conditions out of our Office. "Captain Lee said. Shangcai CountyLand Office, a staff member told a press conference, media exposure "village well" after the forced land, Shangcai County has set up a joint investigation team to investigate the incident. Others:

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